Sunday, February 20, 2011

Changed Blog's Name - Staycationing at Bellevue Square

Now that i see i had 10 hits on my last blog (thanks Facebook) I decided to rename my blog. At first it was just for me to read but I'm coming out of the cave with squinty eyes now and feel ready to test the air with a tentative sniff.
Thus, Kimmy's Korner which I thought up in 2 seconds like it was channelled to me from some dead quilt- making grandma with her own PBS show. Like it or not, I'm now named something more rememberable. See, I know the word should be memorable but I like to mix it up, unlike quilt -making grandma's. REad on to dispel your notion of me as anything but a hot mamma.

Yesterday my darling 8 year old and I dressed alike in skinny jeans, high black boots, jean jackets, bling and took our fashionable selves to one of the trendiest malls in America - Bellevue Square- to strut the marbelled tile. We got many enviable looks from mothers who wished they'd dressed like their children that day but we just kept on going from store to store, fingering fabrics we liked, commenting on accessories we didn't and sipping our oh-so-trendy Jamba Juices with protein boosts, as we strolled hand in hand through the mall looking like me and mini me. Topped off with a cheap dinner at PF Changs, we sat window side for all to see and sucked chow mein noodles, nibbled on messy spare ribs and talked about life while wet napping our stained faces. Did we envy all the neighbors and friends who could afford to go to a fancy resort for the mid winter break this week as we spooned carmelly apple pie from tiny shot glasses into our mouthes? Not for a second because we were on our own little vacation at Bellevue Mall yesterday and that is a memory my daughter will never forget i assure you. Yes we've shopped before but never solely for the purpose of learning the art of browsing without buying anything. Ila was a champ about not asking to purchase anything and on the way home i explained to her the value of getting one's ideas from the expensive stores then going to Value Village and the sewing machine to make those ideas happen. Ah, good times, good times.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a lucky girl she is to have a fun mom like you! What a great role model you are for your daughter. I bet you two have a lot of fun times like that one, huh? Thanks for sharing this with the world.
